Malcolm Brown talking to parents


Parents are key people involved in youth soccer and their decisions can significantly impact the performance environment. First, they provide permission for participation and pay the fees for enrollment. A team or club cannot operate without funding.  Player registration provides a large portion of the operating budget to cover uniforms, fields and referee fees. When a player migrates to another club this can lead to loss of income not only from one player, but others that may follow. 

Second, they are responsible to get players to and from practices, games and tournaments. Attendance and punctuality is integral to the smooth running of these events.  Especially, competition where at least 30 minutes prior to start is expected.   

Third, they support the team/club in fundraising and other administrative functions. Board meetings, committees, coordinators etc, all demand human resources. Parents play key roles in ensuring operation and efficiency. 


From this level of commitment comes high expectations in the form of playing time, varsity selection, college scholarship and championships.  Every parent wants their child to improve plus experience a worthwhile and fun experience.  When these are not fulfilled uncomfortable relationships may develop.  


Parents can be invaluable assets if utilized properly, and on the other hand, they can be a major liability.  Building relationships among parents is a very important step in managing the performance environment of a club or team.

Creating Assets

  1. Create team building socials where other parents along with coaching staff can mingle
  2. Pre season meeting – inform, inspire & involve
  3. Create team social platforms – share team’s growth and challenges
  4. End of season social – extend thanks