Malcolm Brown talking to parents
Video Tape Your Parents’ Meeting

Leadership is not a position, but a process whereby one must manage themself. As the fall season winds down and winter programs take center stage, now is the ideal to prepare for the spring season.

Reflecting is an important method that you can undertake to lead your growth as a coach. How can you think about your experiences this past season and transfer them into learning opportunities, so that you can improve as a coach?

If you identify your challenges, then turn those obstacles into your learning needs, by using action steps you will be taking responsibility for your development to become an effective coach.


I was a MOTO (Master Of The Obvious) for many years when I started coaching. I was always reminding players of their mistakes, without clearly explaining how they should correct the problem.

My background and education were based on watching and playing the game. It did not connect that learning occurred differently for different ages.

Coaching Journey

Coaching Facets

As a coach, you will be required to wear many hats and perform various roles. Your coaching will be measured by your effectiveness.

“Anybody can understand formations. To understand players, the best coaches come from the game.” as stated by Javier Clemente former Spanish Football Manager. Effective coaching is about having an impact on a player.

The many facets you will be involved in all require interacting with either player, parents, administrators, directors, and other coaches.


Learning how to reflect is an important tool to identify your learning needs and to take action. In this process it’s important for you to not only identify your challenges but to create action steps that are SMART:

Following this 3 step guide.

  1. Identify your challenges. Example – Over coaching during training sessions
  2. Earmark your learning needs. Example – How to be specific using appropriate and specific language
  3. Action Steps (SMART) – Example – Video your training sessions and games throughout a season. Review tape, observe your coaching style, language, and the player’s reaction.

Leading Yourself

To grow as a coach you need to reflect on your experiences and use them as learning steps to improve your effectiveness. Taking the time to follow the 3 step process can prove to be an important tool for your learning.

Next Level

If you liked this blog and want to go deeper. Here is a guide sheet that you can download and apply to your environment.