The goal of Coaching
“It must be remembered that the purpose of education is not to fill the minds of students with facts… it is to teach them to think, if that is possible, and always to think for themselves,” Roger Hutchins, American Educator
A common scene at many youth soccer practices is the coach controlling, directing, and commanding the decision of their players. Instead of being a guide on the side, the coach is a ‘sage on the stage.’ Players are seldom given problems to solve, mainly answers to remember.
When you coach your players in this manner, you are over-coaching. You have created a coach-centered practice that prevents the development of independent thinkers.
What impact does your coaching style have on your players?
Download a free guide sheet where you can get ideas on how to prevent you from over-coaching.
Coaching For Motivation: Exploring Teaching Styles. Thomas W. Turner, PH.D, Ohio Youth Soccer Association, North
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